Back Pain? Try Sedation Dentistry.

Does your back hurt – really hurt? Does it keep you from doing important things, like visiting the dentist? Not Anymore with pain sedation dentistry!

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Research tells us that up to 80% of adults in America suffer from some form of back pain, ranging from mild to intense. If your back won’t allow you to comfortably sit in a dental chair to receive the treatment you need, Dr. David Eshom of San Diego has a solution: sedation dentistry. With four levels of sedation available, he will help you determine which option is best suited to keep you comfortable during dental procedures. Ignoring your oral health care could compromise your overall health and negatively impact your self-confidence and quality of life. Don’t let back pain stand in the way.

Four Levels of Sedation Dentistry

General Anesthesia

For patients with extreme back pain or disabilities that prevent them from sitting in a dental chair for any length of time, Dr. Eshom brings in an anesthesiologist to administer general anesthesia intravenously, or by IV, into the bloodstream. You’ll actually fall asleep completely and rest comfortably throughout your procedure(s), regardless of how long your appointment lasts.

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IV Sedation

Many patients who suffer from back pain while sitting for more than a few minutes will opt for IV sedation. Our anesthesiologist will administer just enough sedative into the bloodstream so that you will remain barely awake, in what we call a twilight state of consciousness. You will be able to respond to Dr. Eshom’s stimulus, but you will not feel any pain, in your back or your mouth.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is ideal for patients who do not require IV drugs but do need medication to eliminate back pain while in the dental chair. Dr. Eshom will prescribe an anti-anxiety medication in pill form, and you’ll take a dose before coming to your appointment. When we settle you in the treatment room, you may receive an additional dose. By altering the dosage, Dr. Eshom can control the sedative effectis, which may simply make you feel a bit more comfortable but keep you fully alert or put you into a twilight state of consciousness.

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Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

For over a century, laughing gas has been used in dentistry to make patients feel comfortable. The gas is actually nitrous oxide, administered through a facemask. You’ll breathe in the gas and be overtaken by a sense of euphoria or giddiness. You will not notice back pain, or any pain for that matter, but you’ll remain completely able to answer questions and aware of what occurs during treatment.

An Expert in Sedation and Dentistry

Dr. Eshom has practiced dentistry for over two decades, and he is highly respected in his field as a restorative and cosmetic dentist. In addition to undergoing a significant amount of advanced training and having many published works, the doctor served as a board member with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and lectures internationally on cosmetic dentistry.

In addition, Dr. Eshom works with a number of excellent, well respected anesthesiologists and has extensive experience with all levels of sedation used in dentistry. If you suffer from back pain of any kind, and it has kept you from receiving the dental treatments you need for optimal oral health and a gorgeous smile, call us today in San Diego at (858) 455-9151 to discuss sedation dentistry for back pain patients.

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