A referral to an oral surgeon after a routine checkup, may cause some individuals to become overly concerned, or even anxious and afraid. That said, there is nothing concerning about being asked to see an oral surgeon. Consulting a dental surgeon does not mean you will be dealing with a dreadful or untreatable health issue. We have some reasons why you might have been suggested to see an oral surgeon and what he or she can do for you.
Call our San Diego dental office at 858-352-7576 to schedule an appointment.
It’s vital to be healthy before you undergo any oral surgery procedure. There is often some form of anesthesia used before the surgery. Your dentist’s recommended recovery routine may also make certain that you leave your surgery healthier than your entered. When you’re thinking of undergoing oral surgery, ensure you have the best dentist for the job.
When you need to check for infections, they can also do that for you. Most oral infections are caused be damaged teeth, such as those undergoing decay. When there is no intervention, decay can grow worse, affecting more teeth and resulting in oral disease; this is the reason why it might be advised to have a tooth extracted in order to effectively solve the issue. Extracting a tooth is one of the simplest dental procedures.
Not everyone thinks about surgery as a procedure that removes something, but some procedures implant things into the body. Oral surgery also includes replacing missing teeth. Many people who lose teeth do not consider it needed to replace it with something. However, not replacing a missing tooth can lead to bone loss in the area of your jaw that is missing a tooth.
Oral infections certainly are a common condition, however they can frequently be missed. This is due to tooth decay which can cause a tooth to become permanently damaged. Without any treatment, decay can worsen to the stage of severe illness, which can affect more teeth and cause more damage; because of this, extracting teeth affected by decay is a recommended way to treat the issue. Tooth extraction is one way to eliminate infection completely and prevent it from spreading.
Oral surgeons treat a wide variety of dental problems, from missing teeth to cysts or abscesses in the mouth. An oral surgeon is a specialist dentist with the skills and training to deal with many conditions relating to the mouth. Regardless of whether it is a situation affecting your face, jaw or neck, the oral surgeon might help you. Oral surgery does benefit people in diverse ways like deformities, diseases, injuries or conditions, even when the word confuses many.
Call our San Diego dental office at 858-352-7576 to schedule an appointment.