Should You Seek a Second Opinion?

patient seeking second opinionWhen to seek second opinions:

After several weeks of putting off your biannual dental visit, you finally schedule an appointment with your local dentist. While there, he takes x-rays and performs a complete examination. Before the visit is over, he begins listing numerous costly dental treatments that you need. He advises that if the treatments aren’t performed soon, your teeth will only continue to worsen. The irony of it all – you didn’t have any pain and discomfort before attending the visit.

While it’s possible to have no discomfort and still have trouble under the surface, unfortunately, some dentists today use scare tactics as a way to perform dental treatments to make more money. If this has recently happened to you, it may be time to consider seeking a second opinion. If you are unsure about the treatments recommended, below are some tips to follow to determine whether a second opinion should be sought.

General dentist Dr. Eshom has been practicing for several decades in the San Diego, CA area. He offers second opinion appointments for just $49 with a private one-on-one consultation to review your questions and concerns. If you are looking for a second opinion, contact our office today at (858) 455-9151.

Is This the First Time You’ve Visited this Particular Dentist?

If you’ve never received care under this dentist before – it’s always best to seek a second opinion from another highly qualified professional. Even if the second medical professional gives the same advice, this will make you feel more at ease about the diagnosis. When seeking a second opinion, be sure and ask your friends and neighbors who they recommend and read reviews online so you can gauge what other patients are saying.

Do You Like Your Dentist?

In addition to receiving qualified and comprehensive care, it’s also important that you have a good relationship with your dentist. This includes a high likability and comfort factor. Patients should feel at ease when visiting their dentist. A good dentist will do what’s necessary to make you as comfortable as possible, and take the time to explain each procedure in detail, answering any questions you may have. If your medical professional avoids answering your questions, or you feel dismissed or rushed in making a decision – seek a second opinion.

Did the Dentist Recommend Conservative Treatment First?

Did the dentist jump straight to costly and complex dental treatments? Oftentimes, a damaged tooth can be repaired with conservative and affordable treatment first, such as a dental filling. However, a second opinion will be able to determine whether this is true. The level of care will depend on the severity of your damaged tooth and if the infection has impaired the roots. When meeting with the dentist, be sure and ask if more conservative treatments are possible and have them explain why they may or may not work. Again, if the dentist avoids answering these questions and you have an uneasy feeling – follow your gut and seek a second opinion.

What Are the Dentists Qualifications?

Before undergoing any treatment, it is important to do your research so you can determine the dentist’s level of experience and educational background. Your smile is a focal feature and vital to your personhood – it shouldn’t be trusted to just anyone. If it’s cosmetic dentistry you desire, make sure the dentist has participated in extensive training and regularly performs the particular treatment you want. You have a greater chance of a successful outcome if the dentist has a higher level of training. If it’s difficult to find the information you’re looking for, it’s best to seek a second opinion from a more experienced dentist.

Contact Our Office Today

If you are looking for an experienced general dentist in the San Diego area to give honest and straightforward advice on the treatment you need, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. David Eshom. In addition to general dentistry, he offers an extensive list of restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatments to better serve his patients. For more information, please contact our office today online or by calling (858) 455-9151.







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