The words “see an oral surgeon” might cast terror into the mind of many a dental patient. An oral surgeon is a specialist dentist who can take excellent care of your needs. Seeing an oral surgeon doesn’t mean you have a serious condition or severe illness. Seeing a dentist is of benefit and here are some of the reasons to assist you understand this.
Call our San Diego dental office at 858-352-7576 to schedule an appointment.
Oral surgeons deal with a wide range of conditions, from something as simple as a dental implant to bone decay in the jaw. An oral surgeon has the skills to solve each one of these problems. If you suffer from a condition affecting your face, jaw or neck, an oral surgeon will probably be in the position to help you. You might find the term ‘oral surgery’ confusing, but you shouldn’t as it’s a legitimate branch of dentistry which can address facial deformities, diseases, injuries and conditions.
Often, a dental issue seems minor when it first arises, but ignoring it will eventually most likely make it worse making it a larger problem later on. The wisdom teeth, a third set of molars that emerge right at the back of the jaw, emerge in early adulthood for most people. Of the four wisdom teeth that most people develop, statistically, at least one will become infected. Infections can arise out of impacted teeth, and quite often the only solution is extraction.
Even when you do not like the sound of surgery, you should still consider oral surgey. The skills of an oral surgeon ought to be part of the syllabus of a general dentist or possibly a restorative dentist. It offers many benefits above the normal scope of a dentist visit. The undeniable truth is that dental problems commonly seem unimportant at first but they can grow to be very serious issues as they continue to be left untreated.
It is usually important that you choose the correct oral surgeon for your specific needs. While researching dentists can feel overwhelming, you will have greater control over your oral health when you find the perfect dentist. Oral surgery is an area of dental specializations all of its own. You could choose the very best oral surgeon for your needs.
Infection is often not considered when you think about bad teeth. An infection is most often caused by tooth decay and if it is neglected, the tooth can become permanently damaged. Extraction of badly decayed teeth is possibly the only sure way to prevent an infection that might spread to surrounding teeth. Tooth extraction is a common oral surgery procedure that can stop the infection from spreading.
If your dentist has suggested that you go to an oral surgeon for a consultation, he or she has a great reason. An operation is always risky, and can only be suggested if it is certainly the only possibility of the patient’s condition being addressed. Treatments often offer different benefits, so you should educate yourself in order to make the best decision.
Call our San Diego dental office at 858-352-7576 to schedule an appointment.