Cosmetic Imaging Lets You See Results Before You Commit

Has your smile lost its allure? Are your teeth starting to look aged, or worn down by years of hard use? If so, this is completely natural, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it! There are many techniques and treatments available from a skilled cosmetic dentist like Dr. David Eshom and one of them is right for you!

Are you interested in achieving a flawless smile in a short period of time? San Diego cosmetic dentist Dr. David Eshom can help you love your smile. Call us at (858) 455-9151 to make an appointment for a free cosmetic consultation.

Fix Your Teeth – Love the Way You Look!

Your smile is an important part of the personality you project and your social interaction with others. For many, a winning smile is also an asset that can help you in your professional life. We think nothing of using exercise to alter our bodies or changing our hair and wardrobe; improving your smile is no different. You should feel good about your smile, and cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve this.

Whether your livelihood is based on interacting with clients, business associates, customers, or other people—a bright, healthy looking smile can help you have the confidence to be powerful, self-assured, and assertive. It’s not so much about how others see you, as much as it’s about being happy with what you see in the mirror. Having a flawless smile can help you feel attractive and invincible. Who doesn’t want that?

Some of the more popular cosmetic treatments Dr. Eshom may suggest during your consultation include:

Porcelain Veneers – The most comprehensive smile makeovers are possible with veneers. These ultra-thin shells of dental ceramic are permanently attached to the front surface of each tooth and can last for many years when properly cared for. They can change the color, size, shape, and texture of the teeth, so no aesthetic problems remain. They can even make crooked teeth appear straighter in far less time than orthodontic treatments.

Bonding – This treatment uses the same material used in restorative fillings to create a new surface for one or two teeth. Bonding is a good choice for patients who have a visible chip, intrinsic staining, or structural damage to one tooth. Sometimes patients are wary of committing to a permanent treatment like veneers, but bonding is fully reversible. If you decide to upgrade to veneers, the treatment can easily be removed.

Bioclear – Somewhere between veneers and bonding treatment you’ll find a flexible option in Bioclear. This treatment can improve the appearance of all the teeth that show when you smile and stands up to time better than composite bonding. It can accomplish all the same aesthetic improvements as veneers, and is also a great way to correct those “black triangles” that tend to appear at the gum line as you age. Unlike veneers, however, Bioclear is fully reversible.

Whitening Treatments – Dr. Eshom is fully versed on the most advanced whitening techniques available today. Whether you are looking for subtle whitening over time or instantly brightening your teeth several shades in a single day, Dr. Eshom can provide the right whitening option for your needs and budget.

Gum Contouring – This treatment can transform a “gummy” smile by conservatively reshaping the gum line, to make the teeth and gums appear more proportional.

Invisalign – You’ve no doubt heard about this clear aligner system that straightens teeth in less time (and with less alteration of your smile) than traditional braces. Visit Dr. Eshom to get the full details about this treatment and find out if you are a good candidate for Invisalign.

Porcelain Crowns – If you have a tooth that’s endured structural damage, a crown is a gorgeous way to restore it. These tooth-shaped caps are incredibly durable and can protect a damaged tooth while giving you a long-lasting replacement.

Come See How Your New Smile Will Look!

One of the best parts of a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Eshom is the digital treatment planning session. Our cosmetic imaging system allows us to scan your smile and visualize the transformations that various treatment options may accomplish.

For example, if you have two overly pointy teeth that have always bothered you, we can show you exactly what your smile would look like if you chose to get veneers to correct the two teeth in question. Or, if you are considering getting a full set of veneers, we can show you the various shapes and sizes available to you. This lets you visualize and design your new smile to meet your aesthetic goals. This tool is an excellent way to help you decide whether you want to proceed with a treatment before you choose to commit yourself. The best part? Every cosmetic consultation with Dr. Eshom is free, so you have nothing to lose.

Call our office today to schedule an appointment with San Diego dentist Dr. David Eshom. At the end of your visit, we will provide a written treatment plan for any options you are considering, which includes a projected timeline and estimated costs. From there, you have all the tools you need to make an informed choice on whether you want to proceed with enhancements to your smile. Call us today at (858) 455-9151 to make an appointment.

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